The Crane Wife - The Decemberists

Track List:

  1. The Crane Wife 3

  2. The Island: Come And See/The Landlord’s Daughter/You’ll Not Feel The Drowning

  3. Yankee Bayonet (I will Be Home Then)

  4. O Valencia!

  5. The Perfect Crime #2

  6. When The War Comes

  7. Shankill Butchers

  8. Summersong

  9. The Crane Wife 1 & 2

  10. Sons & Daughters

  11. Culling Of The Fold

I wish I had not read praises before listening

This isn’t a huge departure from the previous albums but does show growth. There are tales that span multiple songs. Songs of war. Songs of love. It’s a good album and probably their best I’ve listened to other than As It Ever Was, So It Shall Be Again. I suspect that some of the hype I read could be an indication as to when the person discovered the band.


A trip to the mountains


Picaresque - The Decemberists