Dance Band on the Titanic - Harry Chapin
Track List:
Dance Band on the Titanic
Why Should People Stay the Same
My Old Lady
We Grew up a Little Bit
Country Dreams
I Do It for You, Jane
I Wonder What Happened to Him
Paint a Picture of Yourself (Michael)
One Light in a Dark Valley (An Imitation Spiritual)
There Only Was One Choice
This looks like it must have been a double album given the 75 minute length
I think I’ve only heard the title track.
I started this on the way to the grocery store for our weekly shopping trip. Now I am home and just shy of halfway through the album. This is really good so far. This is his 7th album in 5 years. I am impressed with the consistency of his work, I do think that may have also been to his detriment as there isn’t much change or growth over the course of his career.
That was a good album. It’s nice to know how There Only Was One Choice goes. I tried playing it not too long ago without knowing the tune and got it all wrong.