666 - Aphrodite’s Child
Track List:
The System
Loud, Loud, Loud
The Four Horsemen
The Lamb
The Seventh Seal
Aegian Sea
Seven Bowls
The Wakening Beast
The Marching Beast
The Battle Of The Locusts
Do It
The Beast
Seven Trumpets
The Wedding Of The Lamb
The Capture Of The Beast
Infinity Symbol
Hic and Nunc
All The Seats Were Occupied
Been thinking about this one for a bit
This morning I have a cup of tea and figure it’s a good time to hear this one. I am aware that this is a retelling of the Book of Revelations from the bible. In general I don’t subscribe much to any belief system. From what I’ve seen with religious texts they are stories assembled to push an agenda. I am aware of the Book of Revelations and have some general knowledge of its plot but I am not intimately familiar with it nor am I entering this under the pretext that this is an adaptation in any way of what I feel will eventually happen with humanity. I have also seen the role of religion change vastly with society over the course of my nearly 37 revolutions around the sun and cannot say that I have any reference in religion’s role in society 53 years ago when this was released.
The System
A chant against the status quo.
Babylon has fallen. Now the people feel they are reliant upon one another. The song has a racing and almost celebratory tone.
Loud, Loud, Loud
A plan for when the rapture comes there will be mass celebration.
The Four Horsemen
An introduction to the four horsemen. Each with symbolism. A white horse whose rider wields a bow. A red horse whose rider wields a sword. A black horse whose rider wields a scale. A green horse whose rider is “the Pest”. I suppose we will discover over the album what the color and weapons represent. I like the use of the repeating vocal sound “fa” to build tension behind the guitar solo.
The Lamb
It’s an instrumental. Well there is sound being made by someone’s mouth included but it’s like the “fa” sound in the last song more of an instrument than a lyric. I like this song. It has a lot of exploration and tension. I also think that it’s in a mode I am not overly familiar with. It’s really neat!
The Seventh Seal
Intro is instrumental. This one gives me more vibes of entering a city in a RPG video game, I am sure that’s what they were going for <wink>. So seals 1-4 were horsemen, 5-6 are an observation of Loud Loud Loud. I guess there are mass exits from cities worldwide. People are suffering. When seal 7 is opened silence. And the song ends! Pretty powerful delivery.
Aegian Sea
I like the soundscape from the start. An account of a witness to the gathering of martyrs and another view of the opening of seal 7. I could see this influencing Marilyn Manson on Antichrist Superstar, specifically the end of Man That You Fear.
Seven Bowls
More symbolism. The number 7 is also apparently pretty important. Guess these bowls are related to the seals or something.
The Wakening Beast
Windchimes and static filled bass notes.
A farewell to humanity. With how quiet this song is I feel like it’s telling me that I am not listening to the album loud enough.
The Marching Beast
And no that song was just quite for some reason, not sure if intended. The use of the pentatonic scale on this one
The Battle Of The Locusts
I am guessing that had I more knowledge of the specifics with the Book of Revelations I may understand more about what these songs represent. But I am hearing this one like when Yoshimi fought the giant robots.
Do It
The battle continues? Nike owes them royalties?
Wind instruments are the sound of suffering and destruction?
The Beast
Almost funky. Nope genuinely funky.
I don’t speak greek. Google translate to the rescue. It’s an expulsion of the beast I suppose and a threat, get out or I’ll make you get out.
-I have consumed my cup of tea and need to make more-
Seven Trumpets
This is weird. Reminds me of ELP’s Karn Evil 9
It’s got cowbell so it’s southern rock. But the cowbell is used more like in Song of the Blacksmith by Holst. The speech is an attestation of the events that have transpired following with a declaration of who these folks are.
-My tea has brewed-
The Wedding Of The Lamb
This doesn't sound like any wedding I’ve been to before. I am thinking about what’s happened so far in this story and I can’t tell if this is for or against the events of the apocalypse. It’s almost as if the people are calling upon the apocalypse to happen because then they can build a better society.
The Capture Of The Beast
I am not overly fond of the announcements of the titles. But I guess it does help you keep perspective as to where you are in the album. This is almost industrial sounding only 20 years too early. I enjoyed that
This one starts very quiet, it gets loud and sounds like she is having a good time.
Hic and Nunc
I like this. It has some Zappa like elements but also some of the late 60’s sounding folky psyche. It has a good callback to the opening song on the album.
All The Seats Were Occupied
It’s Dark Star. I mean it’s not as it’s a different song but it seems to function the same as Dark Star. This is a look back as to what the album has been.
Interesting way to end the album.
That was good
I really enjoyed that journey. Not entirely sure of the story or what happened. I do feel it’s advocating for the apocalypse, not because hey we are evil but rather because if all these systems that are currently in place were to fall we could create a society that is better for everyone.
I heard the apocalypse and it was groovy.